quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2022

A Possible and Necessary Global Working Definition of Law

Small essay writen for the University of Turin, Italy, June 2022.


Inspired by the discussions carried out on Werner F. Menski's book “Comparative Law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia and Africa”, specially by the discussion on Chapter “3.8 A global working definition of law”, this essay aims to propose a global working definition of Law, which can be helpful to legal studies in general and comparative law studies in particular; as well as discussing its terms, use and consequences.

Keywords: comparative law; international law; legal studies; definition of Law

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2022

Human Rights on the Sovereign Debt Restructuring Global Framework

Small essay writen for the University of Turin, June 2022.


This essay examines the present global context of the power relations and the difficulties which involve the creation of a Human Rights aligned global framework for the restructuring of the Sovereign Debt which would protect a large amount of people to suffer from adverse impacts caused by any stronger financial instability if their countries had to apply all of their resources to pay their sovereign debts in a forced, non humanized and unstructured manner. Theoretical papers, internet news, as well as the United Nations General Assembly and the United Nations Human Rights Council resolutions on this topic were examined in light of the Basic Principles in Sovereign Debt Restructuring Processes, which should be the core principles over which a global regulatory framework should be developed. It is also considered the important role of every State, especially the ones which have been harmed, to stand for their rights to be respected and improve their efforts to drive their own agenda aiming at the creation of a fairer, more democratic and equitable international order, one that truly embraces all its actors, bringing benefits to their populations, enhances Human Rights respect and protects the of States with equanimity.

Keywords: Sovereign Debt Restructuring; International Development; Human Rights; Guiding Principles

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segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2022

A Teoria da Transnormatividade como Solução dos conflitos entre o Direito Internacional e o Direito Interno Brasileiro

The theory of transnormativity as solution of conflicts between the international law and the brazilian internal law.

Monografia apresentada ao Curso de Pós-Graduação em Direito Internacional do CEDIN - Centro de Estudos em Direito e Negócios.


Considerando a nova dinâmica de relações internacionais na contemporaneidade, não só entre Estados, mas, também, entre outros sujeitos de Direito Internacional que foram surgindo durante o desenvolvimento histórico natural da sociedade e da comunidade internacional, se faz necessário novos paradigmas para melhor análise e posicionamento jurídico frente esta nova realidade. Neste contexto, traz-se a teoria da Transnormatividade como uma alternativa eficaz e coerente com esse novo contexto de relações jurídicas internacionais e, sob sua ótica será analisada, em especial, a relação entre as normas internacionais e o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.

palavras-chave: Transnormatividade. Internacionalização do Direito. Comunidade Internacional. Soberania. Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro.


Considering the new dynamics of international relations in the contemporary world, not only between States, but also among other subjects of international law that arose during the the natural historical development of society and the international community, it is necessary new paradigms for better analysis and legal positioning facing this new reality. In this context, we present the theory of Transnormativity as an effective and coherent alternative to this new context of international juridical relations and, under its perspective, we will analyze, in particular, the relationship between international norms and the Brazilian legal system.

Key words: Transnormativity. Internationalization of Law. International Community. Sovereignty. Brazilian Legal System

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Monografia - 43 p.

Artigo - 31 p.